The “BIM Vendor” Problem? New Graphisoft-Archicad White Paper

Okay, I know they are trying… “they” being major “BIM” vendors such as Autodesk/Revit…and a far second Graphisoft/Archicad.  But, are these folks a significant part of the reason why BIM isn’t taking hold?  Why BIM is so misunderstood?

Both of these folks appear to have taken the approach to market BIM primarily to architects and as a 3D design tool.   This is really too bad.   True, 3D is nice… but VISUALIZATION is better.  By visualization, I mean the the ability to “view” building life-cycle data…  buildings, systems, subsystems, line items, components, costs, conditions, vs. time and vs. various what-if scenarios.  And BIM is really the “life-cycle managemen of a facility (any built structure) supported by digital technology”.

So… back the recent Graphisoft – Archicad white paper titled “Is your firm positioning for growht and greater differentiation?”.  Here’s a few quotes and my comments…for what it’s worth.

“Without a doubt, BIM has disrupted the the design profession.” – Really?  BIM is just about design?  I don’t think so.  Also, has it disrupted the design profession? No.  And it won’t until collaboration is real and the focus is upon process…especially integrated project delivery (IPD) and it’s cousin job order contracting (JOC) and similar performance-based, inclusive methods.

“It (BIM) challenges firms to adapt to a new landscape where the architect is playing radically different roles in the building process” – Again with the architects.  BIM is about day one collaboration among ALL stakeholders…with the Owner/Building User at the center.  Oh, an by the way, the changing landscape is due altered global economics and climate change issues……those are the drivers.

The paper goes on to focus upon architects and technology.  BTW, the disruptive aspects of BIM…. are the collaborative process aspects and cloud computing… the pretty 3-D stuff is nice.. not saying it isn’t… but clearly not the key to changing our AECOO sector…or meeting some very difficult challenges for all of us.
