In Never Ends!

Just read the below.  Now granted I didn’t go read the article, but since when is the majority of the cost of building in its construction?  Last I new, at least in the commercial, education, healthcare, and government sectors, 70%-80% of a building’s costs are attributable to ongoing renovation, repair, operations, etc.

Virtual Construction

By Matt Stevens MBA Ph.D.

The excitement about virtual construction is justified, since the majority of the cost of any building is the actual construction. It is many times more than cost of the design. With wasted time of labor still around 30 percent however, it is logical and rational to start there in our quest for better project outcomes. Virtual design has its place, but the real opportunity is to increase productivity, safety and quality while constructing in real time. Read our 3 page article from DBIA’s Dateline Magazine

One thought on “In Never Ends!

  1. Really not surprised by the article. The majority of the AEC industry still believes “the project” is about the design, construction and turnover. High fives all around, “Check, please!” and done. The saddest part is that many owners have become accustomed to paying for a deliverable process that yields As-builts that aren’t really as-built, documentation that mostly suits the Contractor’s needs – not the owners and indeed get hansomely compensated!
    Not to overstate this, but a new day is dawning where owners will require accurate deliverables (varified by owner prior to final payment), design, construction and commissioning data delivered in a format easily consumable by the owner (CAFM and ECMS systems), and not get charged a premium by design and construction firms for the privilege of getting it.
    The sooner the industry realizes the real reward is about the lifecycle cost, the sooner we can deliver to the owner the real value of the efficiency, performance and building information as promissed.

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