BIM Terminology – Subcommittee – Call for Participants – NBIMS-US V3

As the newly appointed Chairperson of the NBIMS-US V3 – Terminology Subcommittee (TGS), I would like to invite anyone interested to please join our group.

Below is the mandate for our group.

Develop and maintain a set of terminology definitions and police their use throughout NBIMS-US ballots and content.
Mandate includes (but is not limited to):
1. Develop and maintain a set of terminology definitions to be used as standard in NBIMS-US;
2. Review all ballots for consistency of terms and resolve disputes/confusion;
3. Review all existing content of NBIMS-US and revise for consistency as necessary;
4. Work with ballot authors to clarify terms and definitions;
5. Align terms and definitions with commonly used industry standards, organizations and other common references;
6. Develop and maintain, with the Implementation Subcommittee (IS), a simplified ballot form to allow for the submission of terms and definitions;
7. Develop and maintain terminology definitions content for NBIMS-US;
Additional Responsibilities:
1. Elect a Subcommittee Vice-Chair and Secretary in accordance with NBIMS-US rules of governance;
2. Schedule and conduct regular meetings; maintain and distribute meeting notes in accordance with NBIMS-US rules of governance;
3. Chair to attend regularly scheduled Planning Committee (PLC) meetings;
4. Provide a monthly report/update for the NBIMS-US Project Committee (PC).

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