A Step Closer to BIM? NIBS and AIA Working toward Centralized Building Information Resource

Let’s face it,  the virtually singularly low rate of productivity of the AECOO (architecture, engineering, construction, operations, owner) sector for the past several decades is due to our CULTURE.

As a group, we are kings of the “not invented here” syndrome… or the “my way is the better way” syndrome.  Also, the “let’s keep the Owner in the dark” or the “let’s not work together”, and the “bid low and make it up in change orders” , or “let’s accept the lowest bid and hope for the best” approaches to ruin.

As I’ve previously noted, the altered world economic and environmental landscapes will force CULTURAL change in our industry.  Architects, Engineers, and Contractors new motto will be “our best customer is a smart customer”.  Why?  It’s simple, collaboration and improved “cradle to cradle” facility life-cycle management approaches will be required for survival.  Furthermore, cloud computing and proven collaborative construction delivery methods such as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and “IPD-lite”, also known as Job Order Contracting, the latter for facility repair, renovation, sustainability and minor new construction, will converge to enable knowledge sharing among all facility stakeholders.

The signing of an agreement between The American Institute of Architects and the
National Institute of Building Sciences to Work Together on Promoting Building Industry Research and Knowledge
is just one indication of the our “changing AECOO landscape”.  It demonstrates the two organizations’ mutual interest in the design, construction, operations and maintenance of high-performance buildings and the desire… no better yet the recognized NEED TO COLLABORATE on issues surrounding these topics.

A primary initial goal of the “partnership” is the joint development of an on-line portal for building industry research and knowledge.   It’s amazing how many in our industry are not even aware of NIBS or Smart Building Alliance.  The march toward BIM, and recognizing its true potential as “efficient building life-cycle management support by technology and standardized processes, taxonomy, etc.” vs. “pretty 3D pictures” will know hopefully gain traction and momentum.

Building Information Management Framework - BIMF

via http://www.4Clicks.com – premier software for cost estimating and efficient project delivery – JOC, SABER, IPD, SATOC, MATOC, IDIQ, POCA, MACC, BOA ….

AEC Myth #147 – Construction Estimating is More Art than Science

Efficient, accurate construction cost estimating is a very detailed profession that is highly dependent upon robust process, definitions, cost databases, terminology / taxonomy, technology, collaboration, and experience.

Granted the AEC industry in the US suffers from cultural issues and lags other sectors in the efficient adoption and deployment of technology, but this will change due to the altered worldwide environmental and economic landscape.

The evolution and convergence of Building Information Modeling (BIM), more efficient construction delivery methods such as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Job Order Contracting (JOC), Capital Planning and Management Systems (CPMS), Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), and Computer-aid Facility Management (CAFM), will drive a more collaborative, productive,Architecuture, Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance industry.

Definition of a High Performance Building


A building that integrates and optimizes all major high-performance building attributes, including energy efficiency, durability, life-cycle performance, and occupant productivity.

– Energy Policy Act, 2005, Section 915

A building that integrates and optimizes on a life cycle basis all major high performance attributes, including energy conservation, environment, safety, security, durability, accessibility, cost-benefit, productivity, sustainability, functionality, and operational considerations.

– Energy Independence and Security Act, 2007, Title IV, Section 401
High-performance buildings, which address human, environmental, economic and total societal impact, are the result of the application of the highest level design, construction, operation and maintenance principles—a paradigm change for the built environment.
– High Performance  Building Council

High Performance Building Management & Analytics

Discussion site for those interested in:

High Performance Building Benchmarks

Construction Cost Engineering – Building Cost Models – Lifecycle Costing – Total Cost of Ownership

Local Market Analysis

Job Order Contracting

Predictive Analytics

Means DATA™ RS Means Reference Construction Cost Information