LEED, Sustainability, and the Federal Government – Report Card – 2012

The Federal agency scorecard relative to 2009 Executive Order the government to meet energy, water, pollution and waste reduction targets is now available.
Green, yellow or red values were assigned for seven (7) metrics, with no overall score.Oddly the Department of Energy scored to “reds” for poor reductions in fleet petroleum use and poor progress in developing sustainable buildings.

The EPA and GSA score all greens… which is curious at best.  The GSA, for example doesn’t even have a centralized, efficient project delivery method for facility renovation, repair, sustainability and minor new construction projects, despite the fact these processes are readily available.  Further the GSA has yet to get control of its inventory and related efficient use of space.

The Department of Homeland Security and Office of Personnel Management scored poorly, while the Army Corps of Engineers curiously scored the worst, with red marks in all categories.  The latter, in theory, has the technical expertise to effect change, put apparently continues to suffer from management issues.

The Scorecards:

Develop Agency Sustainability Plans

Under Executive Order 13514, Federal agencies are required to develop, implement, and annually update a Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan that describes how they will achieve the environmental, economic, and energy goals mandated in the Executive Order. Agencies must prioritize actions based on a positive return on investment for the American taxpayer. The plans are updated each year, reviewed by CEQ and approved by OMB to ensure that actions are carefully aligned with resources, Administration priorities, and the Federal budget process.

In furtherance of the Administration’s commitment to transparency, the annual Sustainability Plans are publically accessible. Each year after the plans are approved, the agencies post them on their websites. On October 31st, 2011 the agencies released their second annual Sustainability Plans.

Click on the links below to view individual agency OMB Sustainability/Energy Scorecards for 2011:

Department of Agriculture Department of the Interior
Department of Commerce Department of Justice
Department of Defense Department of Labor
Department of Homeland Security National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Department of Education National Archives and Records Administration
Department of Energy Office of Personnel Management
Environmental Protection Agency Smithsonian Institution
General Services Administration Social Security Administration
Department of Health and Human Services Department of State
Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Tennessee Valley Authority Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Postal Service (Not Available at this Time)

via http://www.4Clicks.com – Premier  cost estimating and project management software for efficient facility renovation, repair, sustainability, and minor new construction project – JOC – Job Order Contracting – SABER, IDIQ, SATOC, MATOC, MACC, POCA, BOA ….

Now if all the Departments and Agencies would realize that life-cycle facility management is the path to sustainability…

Sustainability and Energy Scorecards for Federal Buildings

OMB Sustainability and Energy Scorecards

via 4Clicks.com, premier software for cost estimating and efficient project delivery methods – IPD, JOC, SABER, SATOC, MATOC, MACC, POCA, BOA …

On April 19, 2011, 24 Federal agencies and departments released, for the first time, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Sustainability and Energy Scorecards. These scorecards enable agencies to target and track the best opportunities to lead by example in clean energy; and to meet a range of energy, water, pollution, and waste reduction targets.

Through the OMB scorecard process, agencies are assessed on several sustainability areas, including: energy intensity; water intensity; fleet petroleum use; greenhouse gas pollution; green building practices; and, renewable energy use. Agencies are also evaluated on demonstrating continuous progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as green purchasing and electronics stewardship. The scorecard employs a simple evaluation system: green for success; yellow for mixed results; and red for unsatisfactory.

Agencies are also evaluated on demonstrating continuous progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as fleet management and green buildings. CEQ and OMB will work with agency leadership to craft strategies for improvement and provide agencies with additional support and assistance as agencies begin to develop their Sustainability Plans for next year.  Agency Sustainability Plans, which are required by EO 13514, are due in June, and are posted publicly on agency websites.